Category: Fashion
Category: Fashion
“Thigh gap- the new collarbone” Do you remember the obsession with collarbones? Magazines thought they were all the rage.
Hi Dolls- It’s that season again…. When the grass is freshly cut, the beer is fresh off the tap, and the aroma of hot dogs are everywhere.
This month has been crazy. With family traveling down, spring training in full effect, and our wedding coming up in the off season….
I am so sorry that I am been MIA lately. I know there is no excuse….
… baby-, I’d rather wear Colette. Now- who is Colette, I know all of you Americans are thinking?
Friends! I know I promised a blog yesterday on my previous “Red Carpet” blog but I just couldn’t find the time to do it….
Hi dolls- been a few. I was away traveling and honestly, I needed a vacation.
London, Paris, the Minnesota Twins baseball stadium, NFL sidelines…. these babies are everywhere.
Oh dream closet- how I long for you. A closet with built-ins for absolutely everything I own….