Guilty Pleasures

Hi Dolls-

It’s that season again…. When the grass is freshly cut, the beer is fresh off the tap, and the aroma of hot dogs are everywhere.  Yes- Baseball Season. We are so lucky to be able to say that we broke camp with the Minnesota Twins and headed back up to Minneapolis. Happy to be here but freezing all day, every day. With a winter storm rolling in late Wednesday night, we got about 6-7 inches of snow…… in the middle of APRIL! This is supposed to be spring folks, not winter on the North Pole!

Handling this has been tough…. just kidding. I have gotten my many miles of shopping in at the Mall of America these past few days! Got some amazing new beauty products from Sephora- that I cannot wait to brag about tomorrow- and some other WARM finds to stay toasty during those late night baseball games.

But today…. with about 8 inches on the ground…. I am staying indoors. Yes, the Florida blood just doesn’t survive the Minnesota weather. I will be watching the game from home- with a nice dish of pasta and a cold glass of wine. Hey- still supporting- just not getting strep throat! 🙂 Girls gotta do what a girls gotta do, ya know?

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So while I have been hibernating, I just wanted to let you know what I have been “watching” on this amazing DVR system of mine! So sad to see all of my favorite shows winding down for the summer- but happy to see such a great finale from on of my most ridiculous and guilty pleasure- ” The Carrie Diaries”- Yes, I know I am not a 13 year old girl- but I can’t help it! Totally obsessed with this show! I don’t know if it is how naive Carrie is as a 17 year old or how amazing the fashion was in the 1980’s….. yes, I am an 80’s child and still love it. The bright colors, the rad lipstick…. oh yea, I just said rad. I truly go back in time with this show. Not only because it is based in the 80’s but because it brings back all of the memories of your first high school prom, date, love…. just everything. Definitely makes me happy.  Upset the season is over- cannot wait until next Fall!

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Also- Liam and I are obsessed with “The Following”. If you aren’t watching it on Monday nights on FOX then you are truly missing out. I am a sucker for thrillers- especially ones with a psychological twist that is so incredible it even keeps me on my toes! Kevin Bacon stars in this new FOX breakout hit. Check out the crazy cult following that is “The Following” on your DVR. Only 5 new episodes of the season! Get caught up today!

All in all- this season has been a success so far- television that is! And we are hoping that that success come over to the sporty side. Praying for a healthy and happy season for all of the baseball to come! So thankful we are in Minnesota, but things change every single day. You just never know. Blessed either way…. all day. Every day.

Check back tomorrow for a MAKEUP blog!

xx Photo Credits:

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