Category: Healthy Living
Category: Healthy Living
I am so proud of myself for eating healthier but I definitely miss PF Changs. Not that PF Changs is bad, I just can’t have hundreds and hundreds of calories in one meal!
In October of last year, I decided to make some changes. I was tired of feeling tired all of the time and bloated because of things that I ate.
It’s the New Year- already. Seriously, where did this offseason go?
During the baseball season I travel a lot. Wait….
I love to read articles about how celebrities keep up with their bodies- especially when they are under all of the scrutiny from the public eye.
About a year ago, my husband and I got involved with a charity that is near and dear to our hearts. We had been searching for a charity to affiliate ourselves with that was based around animals.
Normally in my posts- I would say- “Back to Basics” and write about clothing or makeup…. but today, it’s all about being “Back to Baseball”.
The day is finally here! The wait is over!
Cell phones- Are they helping or hindering you? Let’s think back to the last time you went out with your girlfriends for happy hour.
“Thigh gap- the new collarbone” Do you remember the obsession with collarbones? Magazines thought they were all the rage.