I do it. You do it. We all do it.
It’s something you can’t ignore. When you go see your boyfriend/fiance/husband after possibly weeks or longer- we do it. Are you wondering what ‘it’ is, or do you know? Let me start with a hint. Hmm… shopping. Let’s see…. another hint…. detoxing. Are you following me now? What I am trying to say is, we all do it- we all want to look great for our significant others.
I love going to see my fiance. I get so excited but then I start to think about the whole process. The packing, the traveling for long hours on a flight, the loneliness of a hotel room while he is at the field. It all becomes a little overwhelming and honestly, I tend to have enough stress on my plate daily. If stress could come in the form of a calorie that I could burn off, I would be the size of a pretzel stick.
While Liam has been in Triple A and I have been in an apartment in Minnesota, I have been quite bored- to say the least. Yea, I read and sometimes go out if the weather is nice… but I really don’t know a lot of people and how many times can you go sit and eat dinner alone? So I have decided that I am going to get back on track (take advantage of not eating a dinner at 11pm after a game) and do a complete body make over. Where does a girl start this adventure? An organic food store, of course.
I really don’t have a clue about eating healthy. I grew up eating fresh meat and veggies that were both home grown. I was lucky in that fact that I never had to deal with harsh chemicals from the start. Now that I don’t live with my parents anymore though, I can see the toll that grocery store bought items are having on my body. You think you are getting ‘fresh produce’ but it was probably never really ‘fresh’ to begin with.
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Being new to this whole organic way of life, I decided to go to the best known organic grocery store in downtown Minneapolis called “The Wedge”. It was so different than anything I had ever experienced. You could actually try the food before you bought it! How amazing is that! And the flavors, oh my goodness, the flavors! I could taste the sweetness of the strawberry instead of realizing that I should probably clean them a little better before I serve them to guests! I bought all kinds of fresh produce and meats and cannot wait to try them out this week- with recipes from Pinterest of course. 🙂
The second part of my body transformation will be through an at home DVD exercising system called “The Tracy Anderson Method”. Yea, you have probably heard of her before. Not only is she an amazing entrepreneur, she is one of the top trainers for many of the celebrities that you know and love. Courtney Cox, Kristin Davis, Zooey Deschanel, and Gwyneth Paltrow swear by Tracy and her amazing methods.
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I ordered the DVDs and she sent me my system based solely on my body type. I am hipcentric- that means I really need to pull in those hips, take off the excess fat stored around my thighs, lift my butt and get rid of that horrible thing we call cellulite. I cannot wait to get toned! It’s bikini season ladies- gotta do it! I can’t wait to share my progress with you as I go! I have 9 weeks of pure transformation ahead of me! I will definitely be showing you my before and after photos once I am done!
No one has ever drown in sweat ladies, so what do we have to lose? If we can keep good food in our fridge, we have no reason to not eat good food. Let’s do this together! It’s not about being a certain weight- it’s about getting toned and healthy so we can have the best life possible! And if it boosts our confidence along the way…. so be it. 🙂
Listening to: Sexy and I Know It- LMFAO
LOVE LOVE LOVE Tracy Anderson!! Good luck on your body makeover!! You will love the whole process!
Loving your blog! I am in a similar place in my life, so I can relate. Ordered the Tracy Anderson method not too long ago, but can’t start it for a few more weeks when I’m not working 70hrs. a week. Hoping for the best for you and Liam, as well as in your transformation!
Brandy Burnett
Get it girl! You have always been beautiful. No matter what you always look fabulous. But you will feel like a new person after this!
You are so right about knowing what you are eating, and eating what is best for your body. It will undoubtedly bode great results… mind body and spirit. Additives=added stress. I read on a health blog, there are links to additive filled diets and poor ability of dealing with daily stresses. Also, becoming ill many more times a year than the average citizen who reports healthier lifestyle choices. We are, indeed, what we eat.