Sleepless in Seattle? Maybe- but only because I was so excited to explore this incredible city!
Liam had been to Seattle before when he played for the Minnesota Twins, but I was a first timer. I couldn’t wait to see for myself all of the the things he told me about!
And let me tell you- I was blown away by it’s beauty! The mountains- the water- the market! Oh my goodness- just stunning! Here are some pictures from our amazing adventure!
First we went to the INCREDIBLE Public Market Center. (Better know as- “The place where they opened the first Starbucks.”) They had open fruit and veggie stands, butchers and fresh seafood stands, beautiful fresh flowers everywhere and of course trinket vendors along with tons of other things! Street talent was on every corner as well. If I lived in Seattle- this would be a MUST DO at least once a week!
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Next stop was the first Starbucks! Did you honestly think that we wouldn’t stop there?! Especially with my husband being a coffee guru and all!
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We walked down the alley and found the famous gum wall. (Yes, I hate germs. No, I didn’t touch anything. Yes, we added our own gum to the wall!)
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Our last stop was the Seattle Space Needle. Such a gorgeous view! Pretty crazy how gorgeous the city looks from up top!
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Our day was short but incredible! I can’t wait to go back to Seattle one day and explore even more!
Seattle, I think I’m in love with you…..
Until next time. 🙂
Photo Credits: The Swanky Paper Doll
Ashley B.
Hello Kristi! My name is Ashley and I just found your blog about a week ago, and I. Love. It. I love your posts about life, beauty and fashion. (You have an amazing sense of style) I did see your wedding on TLC, and it was stunning. Probably the most amazing wedding I ever saw in my entire life. Ever. Just wanted to let you know that I adore your wonderful site, and am a new HUGE fan!!!
Ashley B.
Like No Other
Kristi Hendriks
Thank you so much! You are too sweet! I appreciate your support so much and look forward to reading your blog too! So glad you attached it! And I am so thankful that you responded so nicely to the SYTTD episode! Reality tv can really make you look crazy- so glad you knew that! LoL!